Our Classes
Keiki — A light and easy class geared towards young dancers between the ages of 3-7. Beginning kaʻina wāwae (steps), games, and songs are taught to this level. Hawaiian stories, crafts, and music incorporated in learning instruction as well. No prior knowledge required.
Kaikamāhine — This class is geared towards young dancers 8 years of age and older with beginning to intermediate level knowledge. A medium-paced class focusing on the development of hula skills where children learn important knowledge through direct instruction from teachers. Some hula knowledge preferred but not required.
Nā ʻŌpio — An intermediate to advanced level class geared towards dancers 13 years of age and older. A medium to fast-paced class focusing of advancement of foundational hula skills. Students will learn and build knowledge of hula fundamentals including dance, history, mythos, etc. and develop independence in class setting. Previous hula knowledge required.
Wāhine — A fast-paced, advanced level class for dancers 13 years of age and older. This class focuses on the advancement of hula comprehension and requires a strong foundational knowledge of kaʻina wāwae (steps) and oli (chant). Students will refine their skillset and broaden their understanding of kaʻao (myth) and moʻolelo (history). Previous hula knowledge required.
Mākuahine — A class for all levels and ages, everyone is welcome to join! This class focuses on learning kaʻina wāwae (steps) and oli (chant). A light class centralized around the fun and enjoyment of attaining knowledge on all aspects of Hawaiian culture; dance, ʻōlelo (language), kaʻao (myth), and more! Students are not required to have previous hula knowledge.
Kāne — A class for all levels and ages, everyone is welcome to join! This class focuses on learning kaʻina wāwae (steps) and oli (chant). A light class centralized around the fun and enjoyment of attaining knowledge on all aspects of Hawaiian culture; dance, ʻōlelo (language), kaʻao (myth), and more! Students are not required to have previous hula knowledge.
Weekly Schedule
WeeKday Schedule
Tuesday: 6:30pm - 8pm — Wāhine ʻAuana
Wednesday: 6pm - 7pm — Kaikamāhine ʻAuana
Wednesday: 7pm - 8pm — ʻŌpio ʻAuana
Thursday: 6:30pm - 8pm — Mākuahine ʻAuana
Saturday Schedule
8:00am - 9:00am — ‘Ōlapa
9:00am - 10:15am — ʻŌlapa, Wāhine, & ʻŌpio Kahiko
10:15am - 11:30am — Mākuahine Kahiko
11:30am - 12:30pm — Beginning Hula Kahiko
12:30pm - 1:15pm — Keiki

Any questions?
Please feel free to ask any question you may have here!